1. Peking
2. K-Song 1. Blue Bolivor Blues
2. Ataka's Dream
3. Song of Akira
Peking/A.Sakata Trio
発売日 : [:ja]1977年[:en]1977[:]
発売元 : Frasco
Akira Sakata(as,cl,voice)
Hideaki Mochizuki(b)
Shota Koyama(ds)
[:ja]Art Works:篠山紀信(写真)
これは豚のの燻製である。凄い写真だが篠山紀信さんの作品である。中身の音楽と何の関連性もない。あるとすれば中国で撮った写真というというぐらいかな。はじめは大好きなボリス・ヴィアンの小説の題名「北京の秋」にしようと思っていた。ところが清水靖晃がちょっと前に「北京の秋」というレコードを出した。ガビーン! と来たわけだね。しかたがないから、「Peking」となった次第である。(坂田)[:en]Art Works: Kishin Shinoyama (photo)
This is a picture of a smoked pork head. It looks astounding but you know what, the Kishin Shinoyama took it. I know, it has nothing to do with the songs on this record. If I try hard to find some correlation, it may be only the fact that the picture was taken in China. Well, originally I was thinking of naming it "L'automne a Pekin"(Autumn in Peking) after the title of my favorite novel of Boris Vian. However, Yasuaki Shimizu had released his record entitled "L'automne a Pekin" a while ago. Oh, my gosh! That forced me to change my original Idea and finally my record was titled "Peking". [:]